Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Semi - shaded garden

Salam and Hello ,

This garden is basically at the backyard of our Putrajaya Corporation president's house. The idea is to create a linkages between the house and promenade.
The challenging part is that 75 % of the site if fully shade and you wont see much flower plant will be choose.

I've choose plant such Costus marginata, Costus wodsonii, Hydechium, Alocasia and Alpinia.Most of this plant are tolerate with the site condition...(ps - alway remember do your site matter what the size of your garden plus the sunlight direction)

One of the technique that I' ve applied in creating a]this garden is by arranging every species in it own group ( Clump technique).Arranging specimens collection in it group is easier technique. However you still have to applied the principal of design in order to get the best garden set up....

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