Sunday, August 31, 2008


Assalamualaikum and Hello,

As promises, here some of the pictures from Hong Kong that I manage to reduce the size from it original size. Hope you’ll gain something from it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hong Kong collection 1


Last March i was in Hong Kong to participate in Hong Kong Flower Festival Show. The festival has attract more than 500,000 people in 3 weeks. What a big number compare to our Floria ( Our own garden Show in Putrajaya) that only visited by 300,000 people. However i've noticed that... all the garden has been constructed and arrange very well and it look sooo Neat in every inche of it!!!! THERE's no p0lybag around, no mulching artificial element...and no other extra element that can spoil the garden set up.... look at the photo that i've took... BELIEVE IT OR NOT......

Friday, August 29, 2008


Assalamualaikum..and hello everyone. The theme ' Rhythm of Nature ' has been chosen for this year landscape festival called ' Laman ' - is a Malay word referring to Yard Garden. As representative of Putrajaya Corporation, a small group of us lead by our Deputy Director of Landscape Department has given our effort to create our own garden in this years festival. By selecting Whispering Nature as a concept,,our garden has won the gold award for the best theme garden category and silver award for the best garden design category. This are some of the photo that i took from our garden setup in Laman 08. Most of it ...plant arrangement was the best ,as it look so natural and it suit with the show theme. Thanks to my colleague for selecting the best and quality plant material from sungai buloh nursery...(sadly most of the retails have shifted) ... here goes the snaps...

plant material - species of alpinia, costus, orchid,bamboo,fern, cyperus, madenella,cycas, clerodendron,aglonema,rhapis, belamcanda and many more.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Garden design zone-LAMAN PART 1

Assalamualaikum and hello,

It has has been long for me to start my own blog of garden design collection. As a designer that deals with the tropical climate, we enjoy our garden in every second, minutes, day, month and years. Here... in my blog, I hope some of the tropical garden collection that appears will inspired some of you in searching it own ideal garden. However I’m not going to filling this zone with theoretical subject on design that has been taught in d school day.... let’s just put our opinions ......just say wat you want to say!

( This garden was built for garden and landscape festival - LAMAN 2008 at Taman Tasik Perdana Kuala Lumpur.)